Our Faculty & Staff
Holy Redeemer Catholic School offers families an academically rigorous and demanding educational opportunity within a vibrant Catholic community. Our school is part of the educational system in the Archdiocese of Atlanta, which has supported personal and academic success throughout high school and beyond.
Since every successful school is founded upon quality instruction delivered by well-prepared, skillful and dedicated teachers, Holy Redeemer has, from its establishment in 1999, built its success upon identifying, employing and supporting the ongoing education of well-prepared, experienced, skillful teachers. The average number of years of experience of a Holy Redeemer teacher is 19. Sixty-nine percent have earned advanced degrees in their area of specialization.
Our commitment to excellence begins with our instructional staff and radiates from there to all aspects of Holy Redeemer School. Faith, curriculum, technology, service, activities, athletics, personal conduct, and academic performance are all aimed at standards of excellence. Students are supported by our staff in their development and in the attainment of academic and personal goals.
Battaglia, Pauline - Director of Enrollment - pbattaglia@hrcatholicschool.org
Beck, Jerry - MS Language Arts Teacher - jbeck@hrcatholicschool.org
Bowen, Wendy - 4th Grade Teacher - wbowen@hrcatholicschool.org
Braun, Linda - World Language Teacher - lbraun@hrcatholicschool.org
Bravo, Amy - 2nd Grade Assistant - abravo@hrcatholicschool.org
Boland, Mark - World Language Teacher - mboland@hrcatholicschool.org Carpenter, Chloe - World Language Teacher - ccarpenter@hrcatholicschool.org
Cotter, Nancy - MS Science Teacher - ncotter@hrcatholicschool.org Dallavalle, Rebecca - Media Center Specialist - rdallavalle@hrcatholicschool.org
Davis, Valerie - 1st Grade Assistant (1B) - vdavis@hrcatholicschool.org
Dougherty, Cathy - Extended Care Co-Director - cdougherty@hrcatholicschool.org
Enloe, Casey - Technology Teacher - cenloe@hrcatholicschool.org
Fernandez, Mercedes - World Language Teacher - mfernandez@hrcatholicschool.org
Flores, Alma - Maintenance - aflores@hrcatholicschool.org
Foster, Lynn - Resource Teacher - lfoster@hrcatholicschool.org
Gonzalez, Lia - 1st Grade Teacher (1B) - lgonzalez@hrcatholicschool.org
Guy, Jeanna - Art Teacher - jguy@hrcatholicschool.org
Hawthorne, Leesa - Kindergarten Teacher (KA) -lhawthorne@hrcatholicschool.org
Helfrich, Kristin - MS Religion Teacher - khelfrich@hrcatholicschool.org
Henderson,Linda - Nurse - nurse@hrcatholicschool.org - lhenderson@hrcatholicschool.org
Hitchcock, Chad - 2nd Grade Assistant (2A) - chitchcock@hrcatholicschool.org
Hogan, Karen - 2nd Grade Teacher (2A) - khogan@hrcatholicschool.org
Ianiro, Emily - 3rd Grade Teacher (3B) - eianiro@hrcatholicschool.org
Johnson, Laura - Administrative Assistant - ljohnson@hrcatholicschool.org
Jump, Ann - MS Social Studies Teacher - ajump@hrcatholicschool.org
Koerner, Alyshia - Assistant Principal- akoerner@hrcatholicschool.org
Kratz, Ron - Maintenance - rkratz@hrcatholicschool.org
Lahey, Julie - MS Math Teacher - jlahey@hrcatholicschool.org
Latagliata, Olivia - 3rd Grade Teacher(3A) - olatagliata@hrcatholicschool.org
Lupiani, Jamie - Kindergarten Assistant (KA) - jlupiani@hrcatholicschool.org
Manley, Nancy - Extended Day Co-Director - nmanley@hrcatholicschool.org
Martin, Lauren - Resource Teacher - lmartin@hrcatholicschool.org
Martin, Serena - Physical Education Teacher - smartin@hrcatholicschool.org
Maxwell, Brenda - 2nd Grade Teacher (2B) - bmaxwell@hrcatholicschool.org
McKee, Heather - Registrar - hmckee@hrcatholicschool.org
McWatt, Stacy - Resource Teacher - smcwatt@hrcatholicschool.org
Navarro, Tricia - Advancement Director - tnavarro@hrcatholicschool.org
Nichols, Russell - Middle School Lit and Eng Teacher - rnichols@hrcatholicschool.org
Nimmo, Sally - Resource Teacher - snimmo@hrcatholicschool.org
Pacer, Heather - Kindergarten Assistant (KB) - hpacer@hrcatholicschool.org
Perez, Adriana - 5th Grade Teacher (5A) - aperez@hrcatholicschool.org
Potter, Lauri - Music Teacher - lpotter@hrcatholicschool.org
Ragland, Misty - Middle School Math Teacher - mragland@hrcatholicschool.org
Reyes, Jorge - Security Officer - jreyes@hrcatholicschool.org
Rice, Jill - Principal - jrice@hrcatholicschool.org
Ristau, Amanda - 4th Grade Teacher (4B) - aristau@hrcatholicschool.org
Schmidt, Becki – Nurse – nurse@hrcatholicschool.org – bschmidt@hrcatholicschool.org
Schneider, Alexis - Kindergarten Teacher (KB) - aschneider@hrcatholicschool.org
Shappard, Julie - 1st Grade Assistant (1A) jshappard@hrcatholicschool.org
Simmons, Michele - Administrative Assistant - msimmons@hrcatholicschool.org
Smith, Lori - Business Manager - lsmith@hrcatholicschool.org
Smith, Kim - 5th Grade Teacher (5B) - ksmith@hrcatholicschool.org
Strickland, Erin - MS Science Teacher - estrickland@hrcatholicschool.org
Sullivan, Jane - Religious Education/MS Teacher - jsullivan@hrcatholicschool.org
Swaim, Margie - 1st Grade Teacher (1A) - mswaim@hrcatholicschool.org
Terry, Mary - Physical Education Teacher - mterry@hrcatholicschool.org
Triggs, Heather - Guidance Counselor - htriggs@hrcatholicschool.org
Vagedes, Stefanie - Nurse - nurse@hrcatholicschool.org - svagedes@hrcatholicschool.org