Media Center
Holy Redeemer's media center has over 25,000 volumes and access to additional media online catalogs and resources. Destiny is our online catalog and includes links to these resources. The Holy Redeemer media center also contains our Cardinal News Network studio. Our news studio includes digital processing equipment to broadcast within our school.
Research, reading, and study skills are the focus of the curriculum in this area. The media center at Holy Redeemer complements all aspects of student learning. In addition to weekly instruction in skills addressing research and literacy, students are guided in developing an appreciation for reading. Collaboration between the media specialist and content-area teachers enables staff to develop projects and learning opportunities that reinforce classroom curriculum objectives.
Click Here for access to media center page.
Battle of the Books
Battle of the Books is an annual Archdiocesan contest open to students in grades 3-8 designed to encourage recreational reading. Grade level teams are formed at the beginning of school year. Participation is voluntary.
CNN (Cardinal News Network)
CNN is our morning prayer and announcement programing that is televised from our news studio. Prayer Families are selected monthly by grade level to lead our school in morning prayer. The show is anchored by 8th grade students and students in grades 5-8 can apply throughout the year to serve as directors, producers, reporters and programming equipment operators. News team creates opportunities for students to develop oral presentation, technology, leadership, and communications skills. The news studio is also available to classroom teachers for instructional projects.
The annual school yearbook is created by the media specialist and a team of middle school students. The team develops the theme, designs the pages and edits the publication reflecting our school year. Our student body and staff eagerly await this publication each year.