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Each and every student who walks our halls contributes to the unique makeup of our community and inspires us long after their time at Holy Redeemer Catholic School has ended.

Who Are Our Alumni?
•    All former Holy Redeemer students are considered Alumni
•    All students who graduated 8th grade at Holy Redeemer
•    All students enrolled in Holy Redeemer who withdrew prior to graduation

Holy Redeemer Catholic School's commitment to our Alumni:
•    To engage our alumni in a life-long relationship with the school.
•    To nurture our alumni's commitment to the school's mission.
•    To provide our alumni with spiritual, educational, professional, social and community service opportunities.
•    To create a stronger and more effective Catholic school community at Holy Redeemer Catholic School through the involvement of its alumni.

 Follow @hralumni on Twitter 

 Join us On Facebook Holy Redeemer Alumni Group